Trade Between Afghanistan, Pakistan Increases by 50% After Taliban Takeover

Trading between Afghanistan and Pakistan has increased by 50 percent in the past week when the Taliban now controls the border of Afghanistan and dry ports. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Afghanistan said that even though there were problems in the course, trade had risen, said local media reports.

Deputy Room Khan Jan Alokazai said because the closure of the bank, the problem in the transit sector was still visible but the export of Afghanistan and Pakistani imports had increased

Meanwhile, members of the Afghan commerce and investment room also met with Taliban members on Monday, August 23, and shared the issue of private sector and the Taliban convinced them to resolve it

Iran also said that gas and oil exports have increased after the Taliban asks the country.

Afghan Islamic Emirates spokesman Aie Zabiullah Mujahid at a meeting on Monday said that they focused on the economic situation and worked hard to implement the scheme they had prepared.

In a rare step, the AIE commission for economic and financial affairs has directed habits not to allow metal exports to other announcements.

The Commission said that foreign countries pay less money for metals while internal factories and companies need it in large quantities.

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