After powerful quake in Afghanistan, India sends help: ‘True 1st responder’

After powerful quake in Afghanistan, India sends help: ‘True 1st responder’

India has increased efforts to help in Afghanistan after more than 1,000 people died in the country due to a deadly earthquake. “To monitor strictly and coordinate the efforts of various stakeholders for sending effective humanitarian assistance and as a continuation of our involvement with Afghan people, an Indian technical team has reached Kabul today and has been deployed at our embassy there,” the statement read by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday.

India has a historical relationship and civilization with the people of Afghanistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asserted. “Recently, the other Indian team has visited Kabul to oversee our humanitarian assistance operation to Afghanistan and meet with senior Taliban members. During the visit, our security assessment was also carried out. Our old relationship with the Afghan Afghan community was also carried out. And the development partnership We include humanitarian assistance for the people of Afghanistan, will continue to guide our approach going forward, “said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Hundreds of houses have been destroyed, and thousands of local residents have been affected after a strong earthquake hit East Paktika Province earlier this week. In a heartbreaking scene, the AP news agency reported, local residents were seen digging the grave by hand. The majority of them have been abandoned by themselves because many international assistance agents withdrew from Afghanistan when the Taliban seized power almost 10 months ago.

India’s decision to send his technical team back to Kabul was welcomed. “Afghanistan Islamic Emirates (LeA) welcomed the decision by India to return the diplomat & technical team to their embassies in Kabul to continue their relationship with Afghan people and their humanitarian assistance,” Taliban Spokesman Abdul Qahar Balki said in a statement about a statement about a statement About a statement about, “Taliban Abdul Qahar Balki said in a statement about a statement about a statement about,” Taliban Abdul Qahar Balkhi said in a statement about a statement about a statement about a

The first consignment of Indian earthquake assistance for Afghan people reached Kabul. Given by the Indian team there. Further consignment followed,” Mea Arindam Bagchi Tweeted spokesman.

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