Scam Alert: Protect Yourself from These Suspicious Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342,953625312, 0839985724 and 20810300 in Thailand

Scam Alert: Protect Yourself from These Suspicious Numbers 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342,953625312, 0839985724 and 20810300 in Thailand

Warning: 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 0839985724, 953625312, 021806000, 20810300, 27009088, 20795271, 022329861, 020179600, 0839930649, 0953646214, 02-037-9099, 20962636, 20162098 in the Thailand

In today’s digital age, staying vigilant against scams is of utmost importance. Scammers are constantly devising new tactics to target unsuspecting individuals, and one prevalent method involves fraudulent phone calls. This article sheds light on the scam alert regarding calls from specific numbers, such as 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300, originating in Thailand. By understanding the signs of these scams, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these deceitful schemes.

Recognizing the Scam: Beware of These Numbers

Scammers often use various phone numbers to make their calls seem legitimate. However, a keen eye can help you identify potential scam calls. If you receive calls from the following numbers, exercise caution and consider the call as potentially suspicious:

  • 20379099
  • 953769951
  • 095 362 3342
  • 953625312
  • 0839985724
  • 20810300

How Scammers Operate

Scammers use these numbers as a way to disguise their identity and intentions. They may impersonate authoritative figures, claiming to be from a bank, government agency, or even a tech support company. They create a sense of urgency or fear to manipulate you into divulging personal information, such as your financial details, social security number, or passwords.

Signs of a Scam Call

To help you recognize a potential scam call, watch out for the following red flags:

  • Pressure Tactics: Scammers often try to pressure you into taking immediate action, such as making a payment or sharing personal information.
  • Threats or Intimidation: If the caller uses threats or intimidation to force you into complying, it’s likely a scam.
  • Requests for Payment: Be cautious if the caller insists on immediate payment through unconventional methods, such as gift cards or cryptocurrency.
  • Unsolicited Personal Information Requests: Legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information over the phone.
  • Too Good to Be True Offers: If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers use enticing offers to lure victims.

Protecting Yourself

  • Stay Calm: Scammers thrive on inducing panic. Take a deep breath and assess the situation calmly.
  • Verify the Caller: If the caller claims to be from a reputable organization, hang up and call their official number to confirm.
  • Don’t Share Personal Information: Never share sensitive information over the phone unless you’re absolutely certain about the caller’s identity.
  • Block the Number: If you receive suspicious calls, block the number to prevent further contact.
  • Report the Incident: Inform your local authorities or the appropriate regulatory agency about the scam attempt.
  • Educate Others: Spread awareness among family and friends to protect them from falling victim to similar scams.

FAQs about Scam Calls and How to Respond

Q 1: What should I do if I receive a call from these suspicious numbers?

If you receive a call from any of these numbers, it’s best to hang up immediately. Do not engage with the caller, and under no circumstances should you share personal or financial information.

Q 2: How do scammers use these numbers to deceive people?

Scammers use these numbers to appear legitimate and catch people off guard. They often employ intimidation, urgency, and manipulation tactics to create a sense of urgency and manipulate victims into complying with their demands.

Q 3: Are these scam calls illegal?

Yes, scam calls are illegal and are considered fraudulent activities. Law enforcement agencies are actively working to track down and apprehend scammers to protect the public from these schemes.

Q 4: Can scammers use other numbers too?

Absolutely. Scammers are known for constantly changing their tactics and phone numbers to avoid detection. It’s crucial to remain vigilant regardless of the number displayed on your caller ID.

Q 5: What should I do if I’ve already fallen for a scam call?

If you believe you’ve fallen victim to a scam call, take immediate action. Contact your bank or financial institution to secure your accounts, change passwords, and report the incident to your local authorities.

Q 6: How can I report scam calls?

You can report scam calls to your local law enforcement agency, as well as to relevant regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing telecommunications and consumer protection.


Scam calls from numbers like 20379099, 953769951, 095 362 3342, 953625312, 0839985724, and 20810300 are a prevalent threat in Thailand and around the world. By staying informed about their tactics and being cautious when receiving unexpected calls, you can effectively protect yourself from falling victim to these scams. Remember, your personal information is valuable, and scammers will go to great lengths to exploit it. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and spread awareness to keep your community protected.

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