Alert:  Spam Call from 021806000 Thailand?


Introduce the topic of spam calls and the number +021806000. Mention the prevalence of this issue in Thailand. Tease the solutions that will be discussed in the story.

The Rise of Spam Calls

Explore the rise in spam calls worldwide. Discuss the reasons behind this increase. Emphasize the need to stay vigilant.

The Mystery of +021806000

Dive into the mysterious number +021806000. Share stories of people who received calls from this number. Create intrigue and curiosity.

Common Scam Techniques

List common scam techniques used in spam calls. Highlight the danger of falling victim to these scams. Advise readers to be cautious.

Recognizing Spam Calls

Provide tips on how to recognize spam calls. Mention unusual caller ID patterns. Encourage readers to trust their instincts.

Protecting Yourself

Offer strategies for protecting yourself from spam calls. Suggest using call-blocking apps. Share information on how to report spam calls.

Legal Actions Against Spam Calls

Discuss legal actions taken against spam callers in Thailand. Highlight the consequences for those caught. Emphasize the importance of reporting.

User Testimonials

Share real-life testimonials of individuals who encountered +021806000 calls. Highlight the impact on their lives. Make it relatable to the readers.

Avoiding Phishing Attempts

Explain the dangers of phishing attempts via spam calls. Educate readers on how to protect their personal information. Provide tips on recognizing phishing attempts.

Reporting Scam Calls

Give step-by-step instructions on reporting spam calls. Include official contact information. Stress the importance of reporting for the greater good.


Summarize the key points of the web story. Reiterate the importance of staying vigilant. Encourage readers to share this story to raise awareness.