Boris Johnson crashed into Angela Merkel. No response.

America is not enough to return. Europe is not united. Brexit is still not finished.
There are many riding in groups of seven summits, and some fair moments tell it.

It is the first G-7 to be held in two years, and will function as a blueprint for international meetings at the age of Post Pandemic. It was the first meeting of great leaders after four years of turbulent Donald Trump in the White House, where he often tore the alliance and long understanding. It was also the last peak for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had served as a fortress for Europe for 16 years.

It is also a logistical nightmare given the terms of social distance and snafus with direct feeds and transportation. However, host u.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson survives and there is even a communique, something that is sometimes impossible in the Trump era.

But the efforts of rotation and bonafide to be connected back under the unexpected strange English sun level the very real difference among leaders who have never met, or have not met each other for a while or new at the scene. The situation is unique, and everyone has something to be proven.

The photos are awkward – both from Johnson trying to hit masked merkel who did not reply, or barbecue dinner where no one considers social distance rules – signaling tension and bubbling contradictions below the surface. on problems from China to climate change.

Some, such as Brexit, shed in war words between Johnson leaders and Europe for unresolved issues of full divorce. Johnson and France Emmanuel Macron raised the temperature there even when Merkel tried to rise above the commotion.

Other fissures in the main relationship are finer. Asked about Joe Biden’s election, he told reporters that the new President M.S. “It doesn’t mean that the world no longer has a problem.” Or when Mario Draghi Italia said it, the general feeling was positive but realistic and the theme was “what attitude must be owned by the G-7 to China and other autocracy.”

Biden wants to rebuild the alliance and show M.S. Indeed, “back,” but in Doyenne’s words departing, Europeans will be “honest about what we cannot accept.” He, for one, does not forget that A.S. and u.K. Not allowing vaccine exports at the peak of the Covid-19 crisis while the EU, slow in vaccinating his people, sending shots to both countries.

The sense of the meeting was that even when Biden was welcomed in part because it was not a Trump, and to become a member of a friendly group, there was no magic back to the “norma,” and that US Days dominated the previous US decision-making and agenda settings and others fell to the line expires. Conversely, even with Merkel will depart after the September election, the narrative is about a more equal footing for other countries in deciding the main things.

And in China, the difference is smooth but clear. The last communic paved the way to investigate the origin of Covid, which was nicknamed Trump “Chinese virus” and said without evidence was the result of Lab Wuhan leakage. Some European leaders said they openly did not believe the theory, even when they agreed to support the investigation.

When it comes to more substantive problems than what must be done to fight the economic power and the unequence of Chinese economy in the face of criticism, leaders struggle to present the Unity Front. Europeans, especially Italy and Germany, felt driven to anti-Chinese narratives by America who were not accurate reflections of their conversation with Biden, according to an official G-7.

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