UN report accuses China of serious human rights violations in Xinjiang

UN report accuses China of serious human rights violations in Xinjiang

China has committed a “serious human rights violation” which is a “crime against humanity”, on a Muslim minority in remote xinjiang, a commissioner of UN human rights, Michelle Bachelet, has said in a report that has long been awaited, dramatically dramatically released before the last day at the office ended on August 31.

This violation is included in rape, forced sterilization and elimination-was carried out by China in the context of the application of the Strategy of the Cons-terrorism and the Government’s Contra-Extra- the 48-page report.

The arbitrary level of detention and discriminatory from members of Uyghur and other groups dominated by Muslims, in accordance with the laws and policies, in the context of more general restrictions and deprivation of basic rights that are enjoyed individually and collectively, can be International crimes, especially crimes against humanity who are enjoyed individually and collectively, can be collectively, can be an international crime, especially crimes against humanity that is enjoyed individually and collectively, can be collective, can be an international crime, especially crimes against humanity, “Reports which was released by the High Commissioner Office for Human Rights (OHCHR), the leading UN Agency about Human Rights.

China responded by saying that the report was “based on disinformation and lies made by anti-Chinese troops” and that it was “naughty and slander” China and disturbed the country’s internal affairs.

According to The Guardian, the publication of the report was postponed by the delivery of official China’s official responses that contained the names and images of individuals that had to be blacked by the United Nations Commissioner Office for privacy and security reasons.

The main release of this report has a rights activist who calls for a more detailed UN investigation of Chinese government crimes against humanity”.

The findings that burden the high commissioners explained why the Chinese government struggled against Gigi and Nails to prevent the publication of its Xinjiang report, which laid violations of the rights to sweep China,” Director of Human Rights Watch China Sophie Richardson told HT.

The UN Human Rights Council must use this report to start a comprehensive investigation of Chinese government crimes against humanity targeting Uyghur and others – and asking for responsibility responsibility,” said Richardson.

This report has burdened how Beijing has violated Muslim minority rights in the Autonomous Region of Xinjiang Uyghur (Xuar) over the past few years.

The report records a massive violation of human rights under various categories including “family separation and retaliation and disappearance”, “employment and labor issues”, “reproductive rights”, rights to privacy and freedom of movement”, “religion , culture, identity and linguistic expression “and” conditions and care at the Vocational Education Training Center or VETC “.

What is very annoying is the story of sexual violence and rape that is carried out mostly against women in the detention room-without camera in what is called “Vetcs”

Vetc “characterized by torture patterns or other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”, the report sounded.

Some also talk about various forms of sexual violence, including some examples of rape, especially affecting women. These accounts have been forced by guards to have oral sex in the context of interrogation and various forms of sexual insults, including the forced nakedness, “the report said.

The Bachelet report refers to “sharp decline in birth rates” in Xinjiang from 2017, with a decline of 48.7 % between 2017 and 2019, especially the majority of provincial regions in the provinces such as Kashgar and Hotan; There is a “extraordinary sharp increase” in sterilization and placement of intrauterine devices in the same period.

Violations of serious human rights have been carried out in Xuar in the context of implementing the government’s counter-terrorism and” extremism “strategies,” the report said.

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